Campaing identity "Hot or Cold"
Key visual for the Hot milk moments - "Cooking" Campaign headline: Milk is the best anyway you have it" Body: You like hot milk? That you enjoy pampering moments.
Subway branding
Hypermarket branding
Press event display - 95-60-95 - 250 ml are the perfect proportions of the glass of milk that keeps you in shape every day.
Press event roll-up Body: 95-60-95 - 250 ml are the perfect proportions of the glass of milk that keeps you in shape every day.
Press event materials Body: 95-60-95 - 250 ml are the perfect proportions of the glass of milk that keeps you in shape every day.
Key visual for Cold milk - "Cereals in the morning" Campaign headline - Milk is the best anyway you have it Body; You like cold milk? You live life to the fullest
TetraPak - "Cald sau Rece' Drink Milk Campaign

Increase UHT milk consumption. More milk consumed, a larger amount of packages TetraPak partners will buy.

In order to increase consumption, consumers need more ideas that include milk.

The campaign was devided in teaser and reveal.

Teaser; we asked people a simple question "Hot or Cold?" and we linked with numerous topics so that we increase curiosity.

Hot or Cold - milk is just as good!
Under this umbrella message we then included numerous opportunities for them to drink milk - hot or cold.

The campaign had a 360 approach using sponsored TV show (Razvan si Dani morning show), online activation, print, outdoor and special executions.

High visibility and awareness for the new milk drinking opportunities
A large number of entries on the website

This campaign won Silver at 2012 Romanian PR Awards

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